I launched this blog for one reason: To make a change.
Life had become stagnant.
Reactive, instead of proactive.
Four years out of college, I felt like I had made zero life progress. One failed career and one failed business.
I felt like a boat lost in the ocean, thrown around by waves. A captain who had lost control of their ship.
Publishing my writing was an attempt to regain that control.
At first, I just did it every week. It was something I had committed to.
Only after writing for a few months, I realized what I had done.
I had put a stake in the ground. Placed the first cornerstone of a new house I was building. A house that was uniquely mine, designed by my hand, to reflect who I was and more importantly, who I wanted to be.
A year ago, I felt like I was flailing around daily, trying to hold onto anything.
Today, I am still doing that. I’m still the same person, but now I have the foundations of a house that I can add to, each and every day.
I don’t know what the house will eventually look like. I don’t even know what it will look like a year from now, but I know that the only way to get there is to keep on building. Keep on writing, keep on learning, and keep on keeping on.