My 2024 Year In Review
This is my 5th Year in Review. This page is an effort to put into the words the progress I have made in life over the past 365 days. Areas where I succeeded, areas where I did not, and overall what I am working towards next year.
This review is 100% for me. I share it to encourage others to do something similar, while also increasing my own personal accountability.
I will be asking myself the same three questions I asked last year:
- What went well this year?
- What didn’t go well this year?
- What am I working toward?
What went well this year?
Relationships / Romantic Life: I got ENGAGED! So that area of my life is going quite well. Not much more to say there 🙂.
Career: My big goal this year was to make a living through game development. I thought I would be able to do this by bootstrapping my company into profitability. What I didn’t expect was that I would get a job at another studio doing exactly what I do at my own company. So far I’ve been greatly enjoying it and it’s opened the door to new opportunities that I never could have even dreamed of. Also, my own game, Idle Brewery is also doing pretty well!
Competition: I was part of a team that won the majority of the awards on the Corinthian sailing circuit. I’m going to be sailing with them again this year, which I am quite excited about.
What didn’t go well this year?
Health: This year, I spent the majority of the fall and winter sick with a cold and cough. The severity ranged from a minor annoyance, to a full blown illness where I couldn’t leave the house and had to miss a wedding. Then, at the very end of the year I fell while skiing and severely bruised my rib. Which hurts, a LOT.
Emotions: I spent a lot of this year either angry, sad, or frustrated. While the highs were high, there were a lot of lows and I was working all of the time and pushing myself towards burnout. On the bright side, the second part of the year was much more enjoyable than the first and it looks like things are continuing to trend in the right direction.
Balance: See above^. I feel like on one hand, my life has no balance. I am constantly focused on work, working out, improving some area of my life, competition, producing something OR completely destressing, usually by watching TV or playing video games. I don’t know if this is healthy, and I don’t really know what I to do about it. Part of me wants to work and accomplish more, because I’m not where I want to be yet, but I can only get so many hours of work in each day. I’m a walking conundrum. Simultaneously I know I need balance, yet I want less.
Reality Checks: Kinda like the point above, this one is less of a “what didn’t go well”, but more a general thought. I got a serious reality check this year on how high the bar is in my own industry. It’s higher than I ever thought was possible. Luckily, this doesn’t make me want to give up, but it’s just intimidating knowing how much there is to learn and improve.
What am I working toward?
Surviving: This new year I have a lot on my plate. I have my own game, a full time job, a large sailing commitment, and an upcoming wedding. Lots to do! Just getting through the year will be an achievement in and of itself.
Being Less of a People Pleaser: Yup. I am a people pleaser. I like making others happy, often at my own expense. This year, I want to avoid this, which should help with the next point:
Protecting My Time and Attention: Nothing is more valuable than these two resources. In fact, they are the resources that I am currently most starved for.
Final thoughts…
I’m ending this year having achieved many of the goals that I’ve been working towards.
However, it seems like the goal posts just tend to move, and I don’t know if that’s a bad thing. Working hard on what I care about has opened up opportunities for me that I never dreamed of, and I want to keep my momentum going.
However it feels like I’m no longer “striving”, but instead just trying to maintain my position in life because I’m finally where I want to be… I am finally where I want to be. I guess that’s why this year in review feels so weird to me. In 2024 I reached a milestone that I had been working towards for my entire 20s: being happy with my career. Now that I reached it, I don’t know what the future holds in store for me, but I do know one thing; I am excited.
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